Kumpulan Tugas-tugas B.Inggris

Kumpulan Tugas-tugas B.Inggris

English Exercises
Wednesday, January 14, 2009 11:41 PM

1. It’s not easy for casual observer to distinguish . genuine paintings and copies.

(A) between

(B) therefore

(C) for

(D) to

2. , all matter is formed of molecules.

(A) It doesn’t matter if the complex

(B) No matter how complex

(C) How complex is not a matter

(D) It’s not a complex matter

3. After World War I, automobiles, buses, trucks became the most common .

(A) of transportation

(B) transport form

(C) forms of transportation

(D) transportation of form

4. Tears anger and tensions naturally.

(A) are relieved

(B) relieving

(C) relieve

(D) what they relieve

5. In a single day are as many as thousands of people involved in business deals in one area.

(A) yet

(B) they

(C) ever

(D) there

6. Paper from cellulose fibers.

(A) is produced

(B) producing

(C) produced

(D) which is produced

7. an insurance agent it is necessary to pass the state examination.

(A) Become

(B) To became

(C) Having become

(D) One becomes

8. There are art galleries in the city of Carmel

(A) a great deal

(B) many

(C) much

(D) lots

9. One difficulty at night is limited vision

(A) to drive

(B) will drive

(C) with driving

(D) be driven

10. the Pulitzer Prize in 1924

(A) Edna Ferber won

(B) When Edna Ferber won

(C) With Edna Ferber’s winning

(D) Edna Ferber’s winning

11. All of the world carry on breeding experiments to increase yield or to improve disease resistance.

(A) countries that grow wheat

(B) growth of wheat countries

(C) wheat–producing countries

(D) countries where wheat is grown

12. Throughout the United States fast food restaurants where hamburgers are served.

(A) there are

(B) there is

(C) located

(D) are there

13. The human body contains water , bones, and muscles.

(A) is blood

(B) in its blood

(C) is in its blood

(D) it is in its blood

14. covered by the sea, which occupies 71 percent of the earth.

(A) A huge unknown world is

(B) An huge the unknown world

(C) How huge the unknown world

(D) So huge is the unknown world

15. In his painting “The Three Musicians” Picasso reached a climax in his use geometric forms.

(A) to

(B) of

(C) on

(D) with

Wednesday, January 14, 2009 11:39 PM

1. Grammar

1. Here are the past participles of some verbs. Write the infinitive.

visited visit seen ______ taken_____

eaten eat met _____ driven_____

drunk _____ cooked _____ lived _____

stayed _____ flown _______ bought_____

won _____ written ______ had_____

made _____ sent _____ done _____

Which are the four regular verbs?

What is the Past Simple form of the irregular verbs?

2 Tell your teacher about Roger and answer your teacher’s questions.

He’s lived in a foreign country.


One year.

Which country did he live in?

How long did he live there?

He’s lived in a foreign country.

Which country did he live in?

How long did he live there?

Have you ever lived in a foreign country?

Which country did you live in?


1. Jason’s father bought him ______the_________ bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday.

2. ____the_______ Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship from _______ France to __the_____ United States.

3. Rita is studying __________ English and ________ math this semester.

4. _______the____ judge asked ____the______ witness to tell _the___ truth.

5. Please give me —a—– cup of ———— coffee with ——– cream and ——— sugar,

6. —–the—- big books on —-the———— table are for my history class.

7. No one in ————- Spanish class knew —-the——– correct answer to ————– Mrs. Perez’s question.

8. My ————— car is four years old, and it still runs well.

9. When you go to —-the———– store, please buy —–a—— bottle of ………….. chocolate milk and ——–a——— dozen oranges.

10. There are only —–a——- few seats left for ————– tonight’s musical at ———the—— university.

11. John and Marcy went to ———— school yesterday and then studied in —–the— library before returning home.

12. ———— Lake Erie is one of –the—— five Great Lakes in ———— North America.

13. On our trip to ———- Spain, we crossed —–the——– Atlantic Ocean.

14. ———— Mount Rushmore is the site of —–the——– magnificent tribute to ————- four great American presidents.

15. What did you eat for ——- breakfast this morning?

16. Louie played ———— basketball and ————– baseball at —–the—— Boys’ Club this year.

17. Rita plays —————– violin and her sister plays ———- guitar.

18. While we were in —————- Alaska, we saw —–an——– Eskimo village.

19. Phil can’t go to ——the———– movies tonight because he has to write —–an——- essay.

20. David attended —————- Princeton University.

21. Harry has been admitted to ——the——— School of Medicine at ——–a——midwestern university.

22. Mel’s grandmother is in ——-the—– hospital, so we went to visit her —— last night.

23. —–the——-political science class is taking —a—– trip to ——-the———- United Arab Emirates in —–the——- spring

24. —— Queen Elizabeth II is —the– monarch of —- Great Britain

25. —-the——– declaration of Independence was drawn up in 1776.

26. Scientists sent ——an——— expedition to ————– Mars during —-the—— 1996s.

27. Last night there was —–a—– bird singing outside my house.

28. —-the——– chair that you are sitting in is broken.

29. —-the——– Civil War was fought in ——the—— United States between 1861 and 1865.

30. ————- Florida State University is smaller than ——–the——– University of Florida.

1. This pen isn’t working. Please give me ———-the other one———-

2. If you’re still thirsty, I’ll make —–another———— pot of coffee.

3. This dictionary has a page missing. Please give me ———–the other——–

4. He does not need those books. He needs —-the others—— (all the remaining)

5. There are thirty people in the room. Twenty are from Latin America and –the others— are from —-other———– countries.

6. Six people were in the store. Two were buying meat. —-another—– was looking at magazines. ——another——– was eating a candy bar. —the others—- were walking around for more food.

7. This glass of milk is sour. —-the other—- glass of milk is sour too.

8. The army was practicing its drills. One group was doing artillery practice.
—another— was marching; —another—- was at attention; and —the other—– was practicing combat tactics.

9. There are seven students from Japan. –others— are from Iran and —others——- are from ——other——— places.

10. We looked at four cars today. The first two were far too expensive, but —the other——— ones were reasonably priced.

1. Something ——–smells——– (smell) very good.
2. We –are eating——— ( eat) dinner at seven o’clock tonight.
3. He —practices——- (practice) the piano every day.
4. They –are driving——- (drive) to school tomorrow.
5. I —believe—— (believe) you.
6. Maria –has— (have) a cold.
7. Jorge –is swimming– (swim) right now.
8. John —hates– (hate) smoke.
9. Jill always —gets— (get) up at 6:00 a.m.
10. Jerry –is mowing—- (mow) the lawn now.

1. Gene —was eating-– (eat) dinner when his friend called.
2. While Maria was cleaning the apartment, her husband —was sleeping—– (sleep)
3. At three o’clock this morning, Eleanor —was studying———– (study).
4. When Mark arrived, the Johnsons –were having—– have dinner, but they stopped in order to talk to him.
5. John —went——– (go) to France last year.
6. When the teacher —-entered———- (enter) the room, the students were talking.
7. While Joan was writing the report, Henry —was looking——- (look) for more information.
8. We —saw——– (see) this movie last night.
9. At one time, Mr. Roberts —–owned—— (own) this building.
10. Jose —was writing—————- (write) a letter to his family when his pencil –broken—– (break).

1. John —wrote——- (write) his report last night.
2. Bob —has seen—- (see) this movie before.
3. Jorge —has read——— (read) the newspaper already.
4. Mr. Johnson –has worked————- (work) in the same place for thirty-five years, and he is not planning to retire yet.
5. We —¬haven’t begun——– (begin; negative) to study for the test yet.
6. George –¬went——– (go) to the store at ten o’clock this morning.
7. Joan –has traveled——- (travel) around the world.
8. Betty —wrote——- (write) a letter last night.
9. Guillermo –hasn’t seen—– (see; negative) this movie yet.
10. We —haven’t heared———– (hear; negative) this movie yet.

1. The policeman read the suspect his rights after he …had arrested… (arrest) him.
2. After John …had washed……. (wash) his clothes, he began to study.
3. George …had waited……. (wait) for one hour before the bus came.
4. Maria … entered…. (enter) the university after she had graduated from the community college.
5. Jeannette …washed…….. (wash) the pipettes after she had completed the experiment.
6. Jane sent a letter to her university after she …has recieved…… (receive) her scholarship.
7. After the stewardesses had served lunch to the passengers, they ……sat……… (sit) down.
8. The car …had fliped………… (flip) ten times before it landed on its roof.
9. We corrected our papers after we —had taken——- (take) the quiz.
10. John …had lived.. (live) in Miami for one year when his parents came to visit.

1. John, along with twenty friends, (is) planning a party.
2. The picture of the soldiers (brings) back many memory.
3. The quality of these recording (is) not very good.
4. If the duties of these officers (aren’t) reduced, there will not be enough time to finish the project.
5. The effects of cigarette smoking (have) been proven to be extremely harmful.
6. The use of credit cards in place of cash (has) increased rapidly in recent years.
7. Neither Bill nor Mary (is) going to the play tonight.
8. Anything (is) better than going to another movie tonight.
9. Skating (is) becoming more popular every day.
10. A number of reporters (were) at the meeting last night.
11. Everybody who (has) a fever must go home immediately.
12. Your glasses (were) on the bureau last night.
13. There (were) some people at the conference yesterday.
14. The committee (has) already reached a decision.
15. A pair of jeans (was) in the washing machine.
16. Each student (has) answered the first three questions.
17. Either John or his wife (makes) breakfast each morning.
18. After she had perused the material, the secretary decided that everything (was) in order.
19. The crowd at the basketball game (was) wild with excitement.
20. A pack of wild dogs (has) frightened all the ducks away.



Sentence Completion

You must choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

1. Subject or Noun Phrase
A single subject or a short noun phrase is the testing point in this category. The noun might be the main subject of the sentence, a part of a clause, or an appositive (a phrase that names the noun in another way). This category also includes the words it and there when they are non-referential subjects.)

____B______new diseases has engaged many researchers since the last decade.

(A) By studying
(B) The study of
(C) An important study
(D) Now that the study

2. Word Order
In this category the answer choices contain all or almost all of the right words, but three of the answers give the words in the wrong order.

Hot springs are formed when water that has passed near recently formed hot igneous rocks emerges _____A______

(A) not far below the surface
(B) the surface not far below
(C) below the not far surface
(D) not far the surface below

3. Subject + Verb
Both the subject and the verb are in the answer choices. The subject and verb might be the main subject and verb of the sentence, or they might be in a subordinate clause. Sometimes the verb and subject are reversed for emphasis. (See lesson 15 for examples of this.)

In 1750 B.C. ____B_______the most famous collection of early laws.

(A) then Hammurabi wrote
(B) Hammurabi wrote
(C) Hammurabi’s wrote
(D) Hammurabi, who wrote

4. Verb or Verb Phrase
The focus is on the verb. The specific testing point might be verb tense, verb agreement, or passive voice. You often have to decide whether the sentence needs a single verb or part of a clause.

In 1776, when the Declaration of Independence ____C_____, the United States became a new country.

(A) signed
(B) that signed
(C) was signed
(D) that is signed

5. Adjective/Adjective Phrase/Adjective Clause
The answer is either a single adjective or an adjective that is part of a clause or phrase. This category includes relative pronouns, relative clauses, and adjective participles. The answer often answers the question what kind of?

Like many other men ____C_______ president, Benjamin Horrison was first a practicing lawyer.

(A) who they run for
(B) they run for
(C) who have run for
(D) run for

6. Conjunction
This category includes conjunctions such as and, both, either, or, neither, nor, but, and for. It also includes other connective words, such as because, in order to, so that, and however.

____D__________nor animals can survive without oxygen.

(A) Plants can neither
(B) Neither can plants
(C) Plants, neither
(D) Neither plants

7. Parallel Construction
Words are given in a series. They must all be the same part of speech. Often, a comma separates the words or phrases.

Sleeping, resting, ___B_______ are the best ways to care for a cold.

(A) and that drinking fluids
(B) and drinking fluids
(C) which drank fluids
(D) and one drinks fluids

8. Adverb/Adverbial Phrase/Adverbial Clause
The answer is either a single adverb or an adverb that is part of a phrase or clause. This category also includes relative adverbs and adverbial participles. The words often answer the question how, when, where, or why.

A ray swims rapidly ____A_______broad winglike appendages.

(A) by flapping its
(B) its flapping
(C) of the flapping
(D) the flap

___A_________very hungry, he bought a hamburger.

(A) Feeling
(B) Feel
(C) He felt
(D) To feel

9. Comparison

The greater _____A_________increase in population, the harder it is for people to find adequate housing.

(A) of
(B) is the
(C) the
(D) is of the

10. Infinitive/Gerund
The main testing point is between an infinitive (a verb phrase beginning with the word to) and a gerund (a verb used as a noun, ending in –ing)

Impressionist artists tended ____D_______ imagination and light more important than faithful reproduction of objects.

(A) considering
(B) be consider
(C) consider to
(D) to consider

11. Preposition/Prepositional Phrase
The answer is either a single preposition or a preposition in a phrase. You must choose the correct form of the preposition or the correct form of the noun following the preposition.

Excessive absenteeism results _____D______problems for the schools.
(A) in
(B) with
(C) for
(D) to

12. Superlative

Of all the national parks in the United States, Yellowstone is ___A______visited.

(A) one of the most
(B) most
(C) one most
(D) the most one

13. Negative Words
The main testing point is often the difference among no, not, none, nothing, or nobody.

_____C_______two fingerprints are identical.

(A) Nor
(B) No
(C) None
(D) Not

14. Conditional
The conditional might begin with the word if or a phrase like ………had it not been for.

___C______the ozone layer were destroyed, most living things would disappear from the Earth in a few years.

(A) Besides
(B) If
(C) So
(D) For

15. Pronoun
You must choose the correct pronoun from among other pronouns. Sometimes the pronouns are in short phrases.

Ducks have webbed feet that enable ____D_______ swim fast, even in strong currents.

(A) they
(B) its
(C) to their
(D) them to

1. It’s not easy for casual observer to distinguish A . genuine paintings and copies.
(A) between
(B) therefore
(C) for
(D) to

2. B , all matter is formed of molecules.
(A) It doesn’t matter if the complex
(B) No matter how complex
(C) How complex is not a matter
(D) It’s not a complex matter

3. After World War I, automobiles, buses, trucks became the most common A .
(A) of transportation
(B) transport form
(C) forms of transportation
(D) transportation of form

4. Tears C anger and tensions naturally.
(A) are relieved
(B) relieving
(C) relieve
(D) what they relieve

5. In a single day D are as many as thousands of people involved in business deals in one area.
(A) yet
(B) they
(C) ever
(D) there

6. Paper C from cellulose fibers.
(A) is produced
(B) producing
(C) produced
(D) which is produced

7. A an insurance agent it is necessary to pass the state examination.
(A) Become
(B) To became
(C) Having become
(D) One becomes

8. There are B art galleries in the city of Carmel
(A) a great deal
(B) many
(C) much
(D) lots

9. One difficulty A at night is limited vision
(A) to drive
(B) will drive
(C) with driving
(D) be driven

10. A the Pulitzer Prize in 1924
(A) Edna Ferber won
(B) When Edna Ferber won
(C) With Edna Ferber’s winning
(D) Edna Ferber’s winning

11. All C of the world carry on breeding experiments to increase yield or to improve disease resistance.
(A) countries that grow wheat
(B) growth of wheat countries
(C) wheat–producing countries
(D) countries where wheat is grown

12. Throughout the United States A fast food restaurants where hamburgers are served.
(A) there are
(B) there is
(C) located
(D) are there

13. The human body contains water B , bones, and muscles.
(A) is blood
(B) in its blood
(C) is in its blood
(D) it is in its blood

14. A covered by the sea, which occupies 71 percent of the earth.
(A) A huge unknown world is
(B) An huge the unknown world
(C) How huge the unknown world
(D) So huge is the unknown world

15. In his painting “The Three Musicians” Picasso reached a climax in his use C geometric forms.
(A) to
(B) of
(C) on
(D) with


PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1-2)

Most of the ice on the Earth, close to 90 percent of it, is covering the surface of the continent Antarctica. It does not snow very much in Antarctica, but whatever snow does fall remains and grows deeper and deeper. In some areas of Antarctica, the ice has perhaps been around for as much as a million years and now is more than two miles deep.

1. The main idea of the passage is that
(A) the Earth is a cold planet
(B) most of the Earth’s ice is found in Antarctica
(C) it snows more in Antarctica than in any other place on Earth
(D) Antarctica is only two miles wide but is 90 percent ice 1. The best title for the passage is
(A) Snowfall in Antarctica
(B) The Icy Earth
(C) The Cold, Cold Snow
(D) The Causes of Antarctica’s Ice Pack

PASSAGE TWO (Questions 3-4)

(5) The extremely hot and humid weather that occurs in the United States in July and August is commonly called the “dogs days” of summer. This name comes from the star Sirius, which is known as the Dog Star. Sirius is the brightest visible star, and in the hot summer months it rises in the east at approximately the same time as the Sun. As ancient people saw this star rising with the Sun when the weather was at its hottest, they believed that Sirius was the cause of the additional heat; they believed that this bright star added its heat to the heat of the Sun, and these two together made summer weather so unbearably hot.

3. The topic of this passage is
(A) how dogs like to play during the summer
(B) the causes of hot and humid weather
(C) why the hot summer days are known as the “dogs days”
(D) the days that dogs prefer
4. The main idea of this passage is that
(A) the name for the summer days came from Sirius, the Dog Star
(B) dogs generally prefer hot summer days
(C) the hottest days occur in the summer because of the movements of the Sun and stars
(D) Sirius rises at almost the same time as the Sun during the summer months

PASSAGE THREE (Questions 5-6)


(10) The term “primitive art” has been used in a variety of ways to describe works and styles of art. One way that this term has been used is to describe the early period within the development of a certain style of art. Another way that this term has been used is to describe artists who have received little professional training and who demonstrate a nontraditional naiveté in their work.
A wonderful example of this second type of primitive artist is Grandma Moses, who spent all her life living on a farm and working at tasks normally associated with farm life.
She did not begin painting until she reached the age of seventy-six, when she switched to painting from embroidery because the arthritis in her hands made embroidery too difficult. Totally without formal education in art, she began creating panoramic images of everyday life on the farm that have achieved international fame

5. The subject of this passage is
(A) an example of one of the types of primitive art
(B) Grandma Moses’s life on the farm
(C) how primitive art differs from formal art
(D) Grandma Moses’s primitive life-style
6. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?
(A) Grandma Moses spent her life on a farm
(B) Art critics cannot come to any agreement on a definition of primitive art.
(C) Grandma Moses is one type of primitive artist because of her lack of formal training.
(D) Many artists receive little professional training.

PASSAGE FOUR (Questions 7-9)


(5) A new hearing device is now available for some hearing-impaired people. This device uses a magnet to hold the detachable sound-processing portion in place. Like other aids, it converts sound into vibrations, but it is unique in that it can transmit the vibrations directly to the magnet, and then to the inner ear, producing a clearer sound. The new device will not help all hearing-impaired people, only those with a hearing loss caused by infection or other problem in the middle ear. It will probably help no more than 20 percent of all people with hearing problems. Those people, however, who often have persistent ear infections should find relief and restored hearing with the new device.

7. What is the author’s main purpose?
(A) to describe a new cure for ear infections
(B) to inform medical personnel of a new device
(C) to urge doctors to use the new device
(D) to explain the use of the magnet

8. It can be inferred from the passage that
(A) this use of magnets is new
(B) infections are in the inner ear
(C) magnets can be dangerous for 80 percent of the people
(D) the new device is smaller than old ones
9. According to the passage, what does the device NOT do?
(A) transmit sound to the inner ear
(B) help all hearing-impaired people
(C) produce clear sound
(D) change sound into vibrations

PASSAGE FIVE (Questions 10-13)


(5) After two decades of growing student enrollments and economic prosperity, business schools in the Unites States have started to face harder times. Only Harvard’s MBA School showed a substantial increase in enrollment in the 1993 school year. Both Princeton and Stanford have seen decrease in their enrollments. Since 1990, the number of people receiving Masters in Business Administration (MBA) degrees, has dropped about 3 percent to 75,000, and the trend of lower enrollment rates is expected to continue.
There are two factors causing this decrease in students seeking an MBA degree. The first one is that many graduates of four-year colleges are finding that an MBA degree is not a guarantee for a plush job on Wall Street, or in other financial districts of major American cities. Many of the entry-level management jobs are going to students graduating with Master of Arts degrees in English and the humanities as well as those holding MMBA degrees. Students have asked the questions, “Is an MBA degree really what I need to be best prepared for getting a good job?” The second major factor has been the cutting of American payrolls and the lower number of entry-level jobs being offered. Business needs are changing, and MBA schools are struggling to meet the new demands.

10. What is the main focus of this passage?
(A) Jobs on Wall Street
(B) Types of graduate degrees
(C) Changes in enrollment for MBA schools
(D) How schools are changing to reflect the economy

11. Which of the following university’s business schools has not shown a decrease in enrollment?
(A) Princeton
(B) Harvard
(C) Stanford
(D) Yale
12. Which of the following descriptions most likely applies to Wall Street?
(A) A center for international affairs
(B) A major financial center
(C) A shopping district
(D) A neighborhood in New York

13. According to the passage, what are two causes of declining business school enrollments?
(A) Lack of necessity for an MBA and an economic recession
(B) Low salary and foreign competition
(C) Fewer MBA schools and fewer entry-level jobs
(D) Declining population and economic prosperity

Thierry Henry "King Henry"

Data diri:

Lahir: 17 Agustus 1977
Tempat Lahir : Les Ulis
Kewarganegaraan: Perancis
Tinggi : 188 cm
Berat badan : 73 kg
Julukan: King Henry

Pria kelahiran 'les ulis' perancis ini memang dianugerahi bakat olahraga sejak lahir. Mempunyai kecepatan berlari diatas rata-rata adalah salah satu kelebihannya. Thierry Daniel Henry yang kerap dipanggil dengan Titi atau Henry ini mengawali karirnya sebagai atlet pelari cepat. Kemudian beralih ke dunia sepakbola pada umur 15 tahun. Henry memulai karir profesionalnya pada umur 17 tahun dengan bermain di AS Monaco.

Bermain sebagai pemain sayap di AS Monaco yang dipimpin oleh Arsene Wenger (pada saat itu) Henry tidak bisa menunjukan bakat aslinya. Dikarenakan posisi striker sudah ditempati oleh Sonny Anderson, Arsene Wenger memainkan Henry sebagai pemain sayap. Di klub inilah Henry pertama kali bertemu dengan Arsene Wenger.

Tahun 1997, Henry terpilih dalam skuad timnas Perancis. Satu tahun setelah itu, ia sukses membawa Les Blues menjuarai Piala Dunia 1998. Penampilannya yang mengesankan membuat Juventus tertarik untuk membelinya. Henry pun akhirnya meninggalkan Monaco pada bulan Januari 1999.

Di klub Italia tersebut, Henry diturunkan sebagai pemain sayap. Posisi yang tidak sesuai inilah membuatnya tidak bisa mengembangkan kemampuan terbaiknya. Dari 16 kali tampil, Henry hanya mampu mencetak tiga gol saja.

Pemain yang pernah bermain bersama As Monaco dan Juventus ini akhirnya berlabuh di Highbury (arsenal) pada tahun 1999. Gagal bersinar di Italia, Henry kemudian dibeli Arsenal dengan nilai transfer 10,5 juta poundsterling atau setara dengan 189,4 miliar rupiah. Bertemu kembali dengan pelatih lamanya "Arsene Wenger" di Arsenal, Henry kembali ditempatkan sebagai sayap (winger). Setelah kepergian anelka dan pensiunnya ian wright, Henry mulai diberikan kepercayaan oleh Arsene Wenger untuk menempati posisi striker.

Kepercayaan Wenger tidak disia-siakannya, alhasil Henry pun dalam sekejap menjelma menjadi striker yang ganas dan haus akan gol. Selama delapan musim bergabung dengan Arsenal, dari musim 1999-00 hingga 2006-07, Henry selalu menjadi top skorer The Gunners di setiap musim kompetisi Premier League. Kepiawaian Thierry Henry dalam mengolah bola di lapangan hijau sudah tidak diragukan lagi. Striker asal Perancis ini dianggap sebagai salah satu pemain depan terbaik dunia.

Bersama klub Inggris ini pula, ia menemukan masa keemasannya sebagai pemain sepak bola kelas dunia. Di bawah asuhan Wenger, Henry selalu tampil sebagai top skorer di setiap musim kompetisi Premier League yang dijalaninya. Pria bertinggi badan 188cm ini menjadi pencetak gol tersubur The Gunners sepanjang masa, yaitu mencetak 226 gol di semua kompetisi yang diikuti Arsenal.

Atas prestasinya tersebut, Henry diberikan penghargaan Sepatu Emas dua tahun berturut-turut, yaitu tahun 2004 dan 2005.

Setelah menjalani delapan tahun membela Arsenal, pada musim 2007-08, ia memutuskan pindah ke Barcelona. Klub Spanyol tersebut membeli Henry dengan banderol transfer sebesar 16,1 juta poundsterling atau setara dengan 290,6 miliar rupiah.

Di awal musimnya di kompetisi Divisi Primera, Henry sempat menemui kesulitan. Tampaknya posisinya yang bukan lagi striker utama membuatnya harus belajar beradaptasi dengan permainan El Barca. Tapi itu tidak berlangsung lama. Dalam waktu singkat, Henry membuktikan bahwa masih diperhitungkan di antara jajaran pemain bintang Barcelona, seperti Samuel Eto’o, Ronaldinho dan Lionel Messi.

Walau posisinya adalah sebagai striker, Henry memiliki kemampuan lebih dibandingkan dengan striker umum lainnya. Tak jarang ia sering turun jauh hingga ke lini tengah untuk menjemput bola. Kombinasi kecepatan, visi dan kreatif yang dimilikinya, membuatnya selalu mampu untuk mencetak gol. Tak dapat disangkal lagi, Henry merupakan striker ulung nan mematikan dan merupakan salah satu striker terhebat yang pernah dimili dunia persepakbolaan.

Terus berjuang "King Henry".....

Penemuan Makhluk2 Purba

Makhluk2 prasejarah tersebut memang tercatat pernah ditemukan diberbagai perairan di dunia, khususnya Asia di daerah jepang dan indonesia.

Seperti biasa, makhluk2 prasejarah memang selalu menarik perhatian masyarakat karena keberadaan mereka yang mustahil untuk tetap bertahan hidup dizaman sekarang.Terlebih keadaan alam yang sudah semakin tidak mendukung mereka untuk dapat bertahan hingga kini. Cara mereka bertahan, Populasi mereka, dan Kenyataan bahwa mereka sudah punah adalah faktor2 yang selalu membuat para ilmuwan kehabisan akal untuk bisa menjawabnya.

Apakah didaerah terpencil lain kita juga akan menemukan binatang2 prasejarah kembali seperti layaknya nessie, mamoth, sabertooth, dll?

Who knows.....

*Dikutip dari www.unik77.blogspot.com

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's History

As we know he is the President of Republic Indonesia for now since 2004. He is a good person who cares about his nation. He is known as good as his personal life. He is wise, smart, well studied, have courage and a brave person.

An Ex-General TNI (Retired) Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, popularly known as SBY, was born in Pacitan, East Java, on 9 September 1949. He was graduated from the Military Academy in 1973 and have became the top in his class at that time. He received his fourth star badge in 2000 and looking for the next presidential election in 2004.

In the first-ever direct presidential election in Indonesia in 2004, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono running on a platform and tell to the public that he will change Indonesia into "more justice, more peaceful, more prosperous, and more democratic Indonesia".
He was elected as the 6th President of the Republic of Indonesia in 2004, gaining a landslide 60% of the popular vote over his nearest rival President Megawati Soekarnoputri.

President Yudhoyono is also an accomplished scholar. He was educated in the United States where he received his Masters degree in Management from Webster University in 1991. He continued his study and earned a Doctorate Degree in Agricultural Economics from Bogor Institute of Agriculture, West Java, Indonesia, in 2004. President Yudhoyono was awarded with two honorary doctorates in 2005, respectively in the field of law from his alma mater, Webster University, and in political science from Thammasat University in Thailand.

He have an uncountable service for his nation "Republic Indonesia" when he was in military. Many mission and objective he had successfully accomplished under his command. Because of that Yudhoyono well known as a though person who will give everything he can do to do his purpose and objective.

During his 27-year distinguished military service, President Yudhoyono took an extensive range of training, education and courses, both in Indonesia and overseas. President Yudhoyono also held numerous important posts and positions as troop and territorial commander, staff officer, trainer and lecturer. He served both in the field and at headquarters, as well as missions overseas. He was the Commander of the United Nations Military Observers and Commander of the Indonesian Military Contingent in Bosnia-Herzegovina from 1995-1996.

For his outstanding service, President Yudhoyono was decorated with 24 medals and awards, including the UNPKF Medal, the Bintang Dharma, the Bintang Mahaputera Adipurna and the Bintang Republik Indonesia Adipurna, the highest national medal for excellent service beyond the calls of duty.

Prior to being elected, President Yudhoyono held various important government positions, including Minister of Mining and Energy and Co-ordinating Minister for Political, Social, and Security Affairs in the National Unity Cabinet under President Abdurrahman Wahid. He again served as Co-ordinating Minister for Political, Social, and Security Affairs in the Gotong Royong Cabinet under President Megawati Soekarnoputri. It was in his capacity as Coordinating Minister that he became internationally recognized for leading Indonesia's counter-terrorism efforts.

President Yudhoyono is also known for his activities in various civil society organizations. He served as Co-Chairman of the Governing Board of the Partnership for the Governance Reform, a joint Indonesian-international organization focused on the improvement of governance in Indonesia. He also served as Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Brighten Institute, an institution devoted to studying the theory and practice of national development policy.

President Yudhoyono is a keen reader and has authored a number of books and articles including: Transforming Indonesia: Selected International Speeches (2005), Peace deal with Aceh is just a beginning (2005), The Making of a Hero (2005), Revitalization of the Indonesian Economy: Business, Politics and Good Governance (2002), and Coping with the Crisis - Securing the Reform (1999). Taman Kehidupan (Garden of Life) is his anthology published in 2004. President Yudhoyono speaks English fluently.

President Yudhoyono is a devoted Moslem. He is married to Madam Ani Herrawati. The first couple is blessed with two sons. The oldest is First Lieutenant Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, who graduated top in his class from the Military Academy in 2000 and is now serving at the elite 305th Airborne Battalion of the Army Strategic Reserves Command (KOSTRAD). The youngest, Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono, earned his degree in Economics from Curtin University, Australia.

After all, this year Yudhoyono's limit to be president is end. He will have to fight with another competitor from many Political Party to be the next president of Indonesia in the next election.

Do U think Yudhoyono could win the election and be president of Indonesia again?
Will he defend his chair to be the leader of this nation?
We will find it out in the next presidential election.

Good luck SBY,,, ^^

*source from : http://www.presidenri.go.id