Tugas B.Inggris

Describing People

1. Are your answers correct?
Dear Mr. Dadang
My name’s Goreinsen. I’m 18 years old. I’m from Bekasi, West Java.
I’m student at Institute Management Telkom. I’m in class accountant D.
My father’s name is S. Pelawi, He’s 55 years old now.
My mother’s name is Shelly S, she’s 44 years old.
I’ve got one brother and one sister. Their names are Berry and Vanya
I’m interested in c. music and films. But I’m not interested in b. animals or computers. I’m good at c. music and sports. In my bedroom, I’ve got c. a computer. I’ve also got b. an easel and lots of books.

Please write soon. Best wishes,

2. Can you answer these questions?
1. What’s his surname? My surname is Sembiring Pelawi
2. How old are he? I am 18 years old
3. Where is he from? I came from Bekasi
4. What’s the name of his school? Institute Management Telkom
5. What class are his in? I am in Accountant D
6. What’s his father’s name? S. Pelawi
7. How old is he? 55 years old
8. What’s his mother’s name? Shelly S
9. How old is she? 47 years old
10. How many brothers and sisters has he got? Two, one brother and one sister
11. What are their names? Berry and Vanya
12. What’s he interested in? Music and films
13. What isn’t he interested in? Animals and computer
14. What’s he good at? Music and Sport
15. What’s he got in his bedroom? A computer

Wilma Rudolf

Wilma Rudolf was born in Clarksville,Tennessee,in 1940. There were twenty-two children in her family. Wilma was not a strong child. When she was very young, she got a disease called polio. Wilma’s leg began to have problems. Wilma’s family loved and helped her. Her mother and her sisters massaged her bad leg. The doctor put a brace on her leg for six years. One lucky day when she was twelve, the doctor took off the brace.
At high school Wilma started on run. Soon she won every race she ran. At age fifteen she prepared for the national races. She won all nine of the races. The next year, 1956, Wilma was in the Olympic games in Australia. Wilma came back with a bronze medal.
In 1960 Wilma went to the Olympic games in Italy. The weather was very hot just as it was in Tennessee. The Italians cheered her, Wilma won the 100 meter, 200 meter, and the 400 meter relay. Wilma Rudolf was the first American woman to win three Olympic gold medals.
In 1963 Wilma got her degree in education. That year she married her high school sweetheart, and have four children.

A. Looking for the Main Ideas
Circle the letter of the correct answer.
1. When she was young, Wilma had problems with her ____________
a. doctor
b. mother
c. leg
2. At high School Wilma _________________________
a. started to run and won every race
b. started to run with a brace
c. ran for Australia
3. In the Olympic games of 1960, Wilma _______________________
a. won a bronze medal
b. won three gold medal
c. won because she was a woman

B. Looking for Details
Circle T if the sentence is true. Circle F if the sentence is false.

1. Wilma was a strong child. T F
2. Wilma had a brace on her leg for twelve years. T F
3. When she was fifteen, she ran for the national races. T F
4. In 1956 the Olympic games were in Italy. T F
5. Wilma won three gold medals in 1960. T F
6. Wilma got married in 1963. T F


Goreinsen Pelawi was born in Cempaka Putih, Jakarta in September 1990. He has born as the first son in a wonderful family. His full name is Goreinsen Virgo Montianus David Alexsander Sembiring Pelawi, his surname is Sembiring Pelawi and his nickname is Rensen. He had one brother and one sister, their names is Berry and Vanya. His family moved from Jakarta to Bekasi in 1995. His hobby is play soccer ball, drawing, and reading article. He attracted into mysterious and unexplained things like UMA (unidentified mysterious animal), UFO (unidentified flying object), urban legend, Atlantis, mysterious things, etc.
In 1996, he began to study in Advent III Elementary, Junior High School. He got the first rank in elementary since first grade until fifth grade. He had won third rank title in a drawing cup when he was in the first grade junior high school. In 2005, he finished his study in junior high school and moved to 91 Senior high school to continue his study. In 2008 he finished his study in senior high school and has been graduated so he can continue his study into college. He has been accepted in Institute Management Telkom for the accountant class and studying in there since 2008 until now.
He has a dream that someday he will be a manager and have his own company so he could leave the company for his bloodline. For now he just wants to finish his study and achieve the Degree of Accountant. After achieved the Degree of Accountant he begin to searching for job. Then he is being accepted by Telkom Corporation and work there. In 2015 he find his mate, propose her and they married. Got three children from his marriage, and begin to build a company in 2025.

Full name: Goreinsen Virgo Montianus David Alexander Sembiring Pelawi
Nickname: Rensen
Place and date of birth: Jakarta, 17th September 1990
Gender: Male
Religion: Christian
Status: Single
Weight/Height: 58 Kg/ 169 cm
Address: Century I Park, Mimosa V Street, Pekayon, South Bekasi
Hobbies and Interest: Sport (especially soccer), Computer, and Kinds of mysterious things.
Email Address: rensenpelawi@yahoo.com
Phone Number: 081584693819
Blog: rensenpelawi.blogspot.com
History : - 1995-1996 TK Mutiara
- 1996-2002 SD, SMP Advent III Menteng
- 2002-2005 SD, SMP Advent III Menteng
- 2005-2008 SMAN 91, Jakarta Timur
- 2008- Present Institute Manajemen Telkom (Accountant)

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